Westline Civil specialises in civil and hydraulic installations for non-process mining infrastructure, including mining camps, facilities and upgrades across regional Western Australia including the Pilbara, Kimberley and Mid-West.
Our expertise in hydraulic works and civil infrastructure for projects allows us to provide tailored, integrated hydraulic & engineering solutions for our Clients, including:
- Water mains, water tanks, pump sets, pressure mains and backflow prevention devices
- Sewer gravity mains, pump stations, rising mains, ATU’s, trickle irrigation systems and leach drains
- Gas mains and reticulation
- Fire ring mains, hydrant and valve installations and replacement, pump sets, fire tanks and backflow prevention installations, replacements and upgrades
- Stormwater pit and pipe installations, WSUD, rainwater harvesting, EcoAid and Stormtech cells, stormwater swales, bio-retention basins and compensating basins, weirs and floodways
From deep excavations in groundwater charged soils and pindan materials, to working around existing services and constraints, Westline Civil have the capability to complete a variety of non-process mining projects, including challenging sites where project planning is critical to a successful outcome.
Westline Civil are committed to keeping abreast latest in technology, construction techniques and materials, which allow us to provide alternative design options, cost savings and value management to meet budget constraints.
- Mining camps
- Forward works packages
- D&C projects